Parent Better When You “Spouse” a Little Better…
We get it. We’re parents, too! As parents, we want to give 100% to our kids.
But how can you be great parents when you two don’t have time to be great spouses?
The solution?
Make the time. Take care of each other. Keep dating each other. Work on You (Two).
That’s where Date Nights come in.
Your Date Nights are a scheduled time on your calendar just for you two. No kids. No shop talk. Just you two.
Remember when you were first dating, how the hours could go by as you gazed into each other’s eyes? It didn’t matter what you two were doing so long as you were together.
It’s time to Bring Date Night Back, but oh, what to do? And…
What About the Kids?
“What about the kids”, you ask? “Who’s going to watch them?” you wonder?
Great question. It boils down to four kid solutions:
Stay In
The “easiest” option is to enjoy a Date Night In once the kids are in bed. Plenty of our Date Night Ideas are perfect for enjoying from the comfort of home.
Get a Sitter
The most common (and expensive) solution for parents on date night is to hire a sitter. Since date night is usually somewhere near bedtime anyway, consider negotiating a better rate for watching sleeping kids.
Drop ’em Off
Drop your kids off with family or friends for a slumber party while you two enjoy a night out. Or, find another couple with kiddos that also want a date night. Drop your kids off there once a week… and watch their kids at your house once a week!
Take ’em With
Take your kids with you on Date Night? It’s not the best plan, but it can work in a pinch for the right date night plan. And if the kids are little enough, there’s often nothing wrong with having a carseat next to you two during date night!
Now that you have the kids sorted, what’s your plan for date night? Without further ado, let us suggest a few ideas…
Latest Date Night Ideas for Parents
Get Inspired. Date Nightly
Creating a Time Capsule Together
Imagine if you could capture the sweet, funny, silly memories from each date night with your spouse. You could store them in a time capsule and look back on times shared whenever you wanted. Reminiscing about a special dinner would be that much sweeter. Most of your...
Tourist Date Night
Hey, tourist, we’ve got a prediction for your next date night, and we think it’s pretty accurate. You’re strolling downtown at dusk, hand-in-hand with your partner. You’ve walked this block many times, but never noticed one of the restaurants across the way. The two...
Truth or Dare – Gameplay to Reignite the Spark
Do you remember that giddy feeling of playing truth or dare as a teenager? You wondered what question would be asked next, or what silly thing you’d have to do as your friends watched and laughed. You probably felt a close connection to those you played truth or dare...
Date Morning
So we always share ideas for date night, but what about a date morning? You wake up to the sunlight streaming through your bedroom windows. You stretch as you look next to you at your partner still sleeping. You smile subconsciously knowing you get to wake up every...
Roughing it for Your Date Night Out
The fire is crackling as you roast marshmallows in preparation for making s’mores. You might be camping on the beach, at a campground or even in your own backyard. You have a small tent set up a few feet away with just enough room for two. There’s a little chill in...
Video Game Date Night
Usually we would encourage you to “unplug” for date night – but this time we want you to plug in - for a Video Game Date Night! Just picture it, you’re in sweats and a comfy t-shirt sitting on the floor next to the person you love most in this world. You’re both...